Western Eyes: 20th Century Art Here and Now

Western Eyes: 20th Century Art Here and Now will explore regional developments of modernism including American realism, Indigenous modernism and Native American art, and Mexican modernism. It will highlight southwestern modernist painting and sculpture and display stylistic developments including abstract expressionism, minimalism, and pop. This exhibition illustrates how the museum’s collection is representative of these significant art historical moments and how the modern artists of New Mexico have always engaged with significant trends on a national and international level.
Western Eyes: 20th Century Art Here and Now with Christian Waguespack
Join Curator of 20th Century Art, Christian Waguespack, for a talk on the exhibition Western Eyes: 20th Century Art Here and Now. This exhibition illustrates how the museum’s collection is representative of these significant art historical moments in regional developments in modernism and how the modern artists of New Mexico have always engaged with significant trends on a national and international level.
Revisiting the Dust Bowl: Alexander Hogue’s Erosion Series with Dr. Mark White
In the 1930s, artist Alexandre Hogue earned national attention for his Erosion series, a striking series of paintings and drawings decrying poor farming practices in America’s heartland. In honor of Earth Day 2022, Dr. Mark White, Executive Director of the New Mexico Museum of Art, will discuss Hogue’s condemnation of the environmental abuses that led to the Dust Bowl. Dr. White will focus on Hogue’s Drouth Survivors, which is featured in the current exhibition Western Eyes: 20th Century Art Here and Now.
Outsider Art: Western Eyes Pasatiempo June 17, 2022
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