Organ Recital Series - Part I
- February 21, 2024
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM - Plaza Building

In the first installment of Pro Musica’s Organ Recital Series local organ extraordinaire David Solem performs music by Louis Vierne, J.S. Bach, and César Franck.
David Solem has bachelor’s and master’s degrees in music from Baltimore’s PeabodyConservatory where he studied organ, harpsichord, piano, and flute. He has over 30 years ofexperience in liturgical music and has taught applied music and choral arts at Loyola Universityin Chicago. Solem is the assistant organist at the First Presbyterian Church and plays keyboardsof all kinds, including baroque chest organ, double-manual French harpsichord, single-manualFlemish harpsichord, harmonium, the Reuters organ in St. Francis Auditorium, and the HamburgSteinway in the Lensic. He is also a Jungian psychoanalyst in private practice in Santa Fe.
LOUIS VIERNE Carillon de Westminster, Op. 54, No. 6
J.S. BACH Passacaglia and Fugue in C Minor, BWV 582
CÉSAR FRANCK Organ Chorale No. 2 in B Minor
This concert is presented in collaboration with Santa Fe Pro Musica.
St. Francis Aditorium, FREE
St. Francis Auditorium is equipped with an audio loop assitive listening device.